Twas 2 nights before Christmas and all through the tv's,
The weather people sang of blizzards and freezing
*this was only the beginning

Most would have ran and been quite upset
but we Minnesotan's make some fun, "Yeah You Bet"
*Daddy gets creative with snow shovels

Thank goodness we headed to see Santa at the Mall days before,
and wouldn't you know, we hit not one store!!

First to Poppa and Nana G.'s to open gifts with delightment

Then back to our home to see Nana and Tae Tae
Where we exchange more gifts and finish our day.

Now the kiddies have been spoiled and our bellies are full

But without our health and each other, this day would be dull

I've now ran out of clever/funny things to say.
But, I hope you all had as much fun as we did Christmas day.

Merry Christmas (belated) from our home to yours.
**I should also note. I was so busy enjoying the moment with Joe's family Christmas eve that I didn't take any photos with them. I hope to post some of the play the kids put on that night. They re-enacted the Christmas Story. It was wonderful.
Super-cute! I could never do that.
I would end up using words like rat, cat, bat, and sat. ;-)
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