I have a few blogs floating in my head. Ones filled with photo's of Luke's party and ones of his actual birthday, where he was in the bathtub 4 times due to diaper blowouts (eww).
But I have been busy.... doing "wonderful nothing" Sleeping in with my family or taking naps and getting back to better health. Making memories in the extra snow we have been given. The best kind of being busy I can think of at the moment. Time with my little family and enjoying the holiday season.
However, I have been reading blogs by my favorites. Daily.
Jenny is talking about what gifts she is giving her kids. They are great ideas.
Stephanie is giving advice/tips/great items away on nursing and motherhood. Check her out.
Darcie went to see the Ten Tenors and shared her thoughts.
and then there is Becca.... have you read Becca's blog?
She and I both have boys (hers are older), we both have Jack's too. We both have hair that frizzes and although we have never met, as Stephanie said about Jenny, I know we would be "great friends in real life" Should we ever meet. She is a fun blogger and I love her posts.
Borrowing this from Becca.....
What are you listening to right now?
Now I'm listening to Wally Lamb (audio book) The hour I first Believed.
What are you watching right now?
What room is your computer in?
Desktop is in the family room in the basement, Laptop is with me on my lap :)
Do you have Christmas Lights up outside?
YES!! Joe put them up and I am so excited.
How long have you been blogging?
Since Feb, 2009. I started in 2008 but only blogged 2 times and then quit for a year.
If you could go back in time, where would you go and who would you meet and why? I would go back and meet my great grandparents in Italy. I think knowing them and maybe my grandmother back then would be wonderful. I adore being part Italian and would love to see more of that history
If you could be paid to give of your time to others, what would you most like to do?
I kinda feel like I already do that. I teach swimming and love it. I would love to work in a school with kids. Anything to be able to give back to kids.If Santa could bring YOU something This Year, What would that something special be? Just to be healthy and maybe to make this blog my own url?
If you could have your blog readers know one thing about you, What would that be?? Like Becca said, I love comments. I sometimes wonder if people really read this. I once looked to try and see if I could tell and ended up "following" myself so I need to figure out how to undo that. I like reading some one's take on my words or if they laughed. I often read other blogs and laugh out loud, then explain to Joe what is so funny.
All of your posts just popped up in my reader... I wonder why it hasn't been working right!
You have 4 subscribers in google reader... did you know that? You should try analytics, too... It'll help you see how many visitors you have!
Sounds like we have been doing the same thing... being lazy with the family it the best way to spend Christmas break!
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