Before the actual day there was a party.
Before the actual party the was a cake that lit up :0)

Then the party day came and here are some of the wonderful friends who attended.
(there were around 19 kids that came)

Literally 2 seconds before we were to leave the birthday boy hit his eye and got a cut
(and later a shiner for his actual birthday)
But as you can see he didn't mind.

The boy played with gyms mats and fun toys/games.
Then there was pizza, his favorite. YUM!
Next came a candle and some singing.

What? No more cake for me?

The part ended and the very next day came the icky tummy flu.
This boy got it first and it lasted the longest for him.
By his actual day there was no singing or cake, just snuggles and baths.....

4, yes F*O*U*R, baths that very day.
But once again, this amazing little man took it all in stride and didn't mind.

Happy 1st. Birthday Luke!
Sorry it's so late!
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