It's the time of year that, as most parents of toddler/pre-kindergartner's know, is the time for thinking of the fall already.
This time of year you are sent a few invitations to various pre-school open houses, told of their registration fee's, and their waiting lists.
I got my undies in a bunch yesterday, scouring the Internet to try and decide where to attempt to enroll Jack. Our situation you see, is very different from others. I work Monday and Friday all day, so while most pre-school's in our area are 2 days T/TH or 3 days, M/W/F, the best choice for us and most convenient, so that we weren't inconvenient to others, was the T/TH choice.
I had a hard time with that. I love my time home T/W/TH with my boys. I love that we have the freedom to decide in that moment to have anything from a play date, to a pajama day.
I know that if he goes this fall, he will be in pre-school for 2 years and then onto kindergarten. I also know that it's very selfish of his Momma to want him to be home just a little longer. But, as his Momma, that is my choice. :0)
So, do I go with T/TH for 2.5 hours for next fall or just wait?
Thank goodness for Mom's intuition and gut feelings. The best decision for us was in my gut and I'm grateful for that.
We have decided to wait. I feel immensely better about it too. He has a lot of school ahead of him and I feel like starting him this year or next isn't going to be life changing for us.
Your turn,
What did you do regarding preschool?
One Year?
Two years with both kids. I just felt that it would better prepare the not only scholastically but socially as well! But as a Mom, I COMPLETELY understand the "gut"...honey ya gotta go with it. It's never wrong. ;)
Love you!
Michael went to a home preschool for 1 year before kindergarten.
We held Jack back from kindergarten for a year and put him in preschool instead. It was an agonizing decision, and now we see that we probably should have put him in kindergarten this year, but he's doing fine. He's just the oldest kid in preschool :-)
You'll figure out what to do, and whatever choice you make will be perfect. :-)
I completely support and understand your decision. If I were in your boat I would do the exact same thing.
We are sending William in the fall T/TH for 2.5 hours for opposite reasons. Because I don't work outside the home William gets very little interaction with others and being that he's such a social kid, I know that he needs to get out of the house more. Since Jack already gets that on M/F I can totally see your hesitation in adding two more days a week.
Live it up. Stay in your jammies all day. Bake cookies if you feel like it. Have a dance party in your living room. The time is so short.
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