Jack had skating lessons and my Mom agreed to take Luke. (which was great too)
Jack's lessons went wonderfully and we decided to have a play date with our friend Logan and his mom Tiff.
They came over and the boys played while Luke napped. After nap, Luke got up and just wasn't himself. I knew that he'd been kinda constipated (TMI sorry)so, I have given him a mixture in the morning of 1/8 prune juice, 4/8 or 1/2 apple juice and the rest water. (yes, I know bad idea)
Well it worked. LIKE A CHARM.... or maybe way too good.
He was irritated and had gone twice, so I figured it must be the teeth he's cutting.
Tiff suggested that maybe a warm bath would help him and that's what we did.
Tiff and Logan left and just as Jack was getting into the tub to play with brother, BAM!!!
Luke's tush area exploded into a mix of wonderful nasties, ALL over the tub and toys and thankfully for farts prior to the explosion, I had grabbed Jack out before the mess could hit him.
There I was, 2 kids, naked and wet.
One 1/2 way covered in his own feces but 10 times happier then moments before.
What to do? What to do?
There's no handbook for this.... and for those going... come one this is easy, give me a break.... I was also fairly sleep deprived.
So, I put the kinda washed off feces babe in his crib, in a towel.
Shut the door to the bathroom after turning on the fan.
Grabbed pj's for the older munchkin and set him in my room to dress himself and watch a little Dora the explorer.
Went back to the babe and changed him, changed his sheets, his changing table pad and all.
By the grace of God there happened to be 1 long glove under my sink so I was delighted when I found it and could use it to remove the toys and "other things" floating the tub.
Days like this remind me that days where there are tantrums aren't really that bad and they also make me laugh out loud at the sheer amount of "stuff" that can come out of someone so small.
Lesson learned though... way too much juice period and never try to figure out a home remedy for constipation when tired.
Ahh! Yuck!
I'd venture to take that a step or two further and say: Never try to figure out a home remedy for constipation. Period. End of story. :)
Don't worry about the TMI. I've got more poop stories on my blog than I care to discuss.
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