30 and flirty

Well, if you haven't seen below, today is my 30th birthday. WHOOPIE!

J surprised me this morning with the sweet and wonderful blog below. He also hand made cards from him and the kids (which are my favorite kind, BTW). He also cleaned up the house and did the dishes. All this before leaving at 7 a.m.

My birthday gift this year was simple and touched my heart. All I have been asking for is to have the house be clean. Nothing radical. Just dusted and vacuumed and all that jazz. This might seem like "duh!, don't you do that daily/weekly Amy?" Nope, I do one room if I can a day. I used to do more, but since there is a little life growing in my belly, I have been pretty gosh darn useless when it comes to most of the cleaning, laundry, and dishes. I have good days, but mostly I take the time right now, when (if I'm lucky) the boys are down at the same time and I can steal a blog and then a nap too. I'm even more lucky to have married a man who could care less if the home he cleaned this morning looks like a tornado hit it by noon and his wife is choosing to rest. So, getting back to my gift, our nanny also does home cleaning and when I say that, it's an understatement. She's BEYOND through. He asked her to come last weekend and clean. She did and I cried. I cried because he gave me a gift even better then a clean house. He gave me the gift of time and a clearer mind. I wasn't thinking about all the mindless tasks I needed to complete. I was being mindful (thanks Jenny) of my time with him and the kids.

Jack has been sick for the last few days with diarrhea (sorry Jack) and so we have been sticking pretty close to home. Lots of snuggling and more t.v. then normal. This is hard because it's a beautiful 30-40 degrees here. That is prime time outdoor time for MN in Feb. That said, while is brother napped, Jack and I played memory today. I couldn't help but admire the irony of the moment with him. Here we were, in our pj's, on this "big, milestone" (supposedly) birthday of mine, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to just make a memory, playing memory with my "big" little boy. In the not to far future, my heart and time will be split into a 4th (I count Joe too) person to love. I don't see this as hard. It's challenging on the time front. Therefor, I am so thankful for a little moment here and there, when it's just the 2 of us, like it was in the beginning. Just him and I, hanging out.

My mom (Nana) and Joe's mom (Grandma) stopped over as well. It was really nice to visit with them. Luke woke and when they left, it was just the 3 of us. We read books and cuddled on my lap. We danced and made a choo choo train several times around the house. It has been bliss.

Later there will be homemade cake and frosting with sprinkles (picked out by Jack). There will be dinner and then they will head for bed. If I'm lucky, I'll get 15 -45 min with Joe that will be catching up, dancing in the kitchen and just dreaming of the future.

I always thought that when you turned 30 you were getting old......I've discovered, that I haven't felt more alive, purpose filled, loved, needed, and lucky then I have in the last few years. It keeps getting better. While each day may have hiccups and it's not always easy, for me it's better then anything I can think of.

I'm 30, and flirty with Joe and flirty with the dreams I have for our future.


Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

What a great post. Happy Birthday, Amy! I hope you had a wonderful and restful day!