Day 2

Hello Bloggy friends/family.

Wasn't Joe's post sweet? I'm a little drugged up right now so bare with me on this post.

I wish I could say "We know it's this and here's how we solve it." But, we don't.

Here is what we do know. A normal person's enzyme levels (that are produced by their pancreas) are usually between 22 and 51. When I was admitted yesterday mine was at 10,000. My current level is at 1,900. The pain has lessened which is good but the reasons remain a mystery. Most people who have something like this are alcoholics. Me,

They thought maybe my cholesterol was too high and that was causing it. (I feared this too, as my eating habits leave loads to be desired) Again though, to our delight, they are fine.

There are other little wonderful things I need to worry about. For one, because I'm not as active as usual, I get these lovely shots in the tummy. They really don't hurt much. I also get finger pricks to make sure I am not having blood sugar issues and that too looks good. Then there's the chance of pneumonia due to my lungs not breathing like normal from the pain.

I can tell you folks that I thought this was really "no big deal" and "why should I have to go to the ER" The 10,000 number and the look I got from the doctor when she mentioned how glad she was that I came it, made me know I wasn't the chicken I had thought out to be.

Joe's been great as usual and his sisters & brother have stepped up and helped out with this kids as well as my family with keeping me company and visits. The kids should be here any moment now and that makes me happy.

I know I'm in the best place to figure out this crazy situation, but I must admit I'm scared and hopeful that we have more answers soon. I'm just very impatient and hope I never have to experience this ever again.

Lastly, I do not get to eat. There is a Large yellow sign on my door that says "Nothing In Mouth" Not even water. I get 1-2 small scoops of ice chips every 45 min or so. I'm not hungry at this point, they are giving me fluids through and IV, but I miss the actions of eating. I do know that I now need to make good on my promises to cut out the crappy food, I hope that's all that is needed.

Thanks for your texts, comment love, calls and visits. I'm doing my best to stay positive and will keep you posted.