We were invited to a wedding for this weekend for the daughter of my mom's high school friend. Our children were also welcome and this would be their very first wedding. I must tell you that we skipped the ceremony due to nap time and the need to attempt to finish a little project we are working on. (more on that later)
So we arrive and I will admit that Luke had not taken much of a nap so it was interesting after a little while to see how he would do. For the most part he was like this.........

We were able to get these adorable pictures before it became bedtime and past bedtime.
Then things got hard. But, it was so worth it and we had such a blast just watching the boys dance and play. As well as spending some fun times with my mom too.

Nana's boys and cousins forever.

So, I've stated, multiple times, that Joe was my first love. I was 12 when we met and I will never forget that day. Lately, when playing at the park, I have noticed that Jack will find other kids, (mainly girls) to play with. He's always gravitating toward them and chasing them. He says hello and calls them princess.
Tonight, He met a girl named Hannah (in the photo and video below) whom he must have liked just a little bit. When the dancing began he and Joe had the following conversation.
Jack: "Daddy, I want to dance with that girl."
Joe: "Buddy, go ask her to dance."
Jack: "What her name is?"
Joe: "I don't know Jack, but just ask her to dance."
So, Jack did. He danced the rest of the time with her and stared at her the whole time.
As you can see here, they are dancing. The other "foot and Dress" in the picture is my mom, or Nana, to the kids. Just after I snapped this photo, I took video of Jack telling Nana
"Please move, I'm dancing with her." (you'll see it in the video)

I never realized that they started this young......He spoke of Hannah the whole way home and was very sad that we didn't know where "her home is" because he wanted to play with her tomorrow.
I love it!!!! Little ladies man.
That's the cutest thing ever... and Hannah's spinny dress is beautiful!
Jack has got some moves!
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