I have a list of things to do at home and things to buy at the store but I cannot seem to get around to either of them.
I'm lazy.
I'm lazy and I feel guilty about it.
I need to pull maternity clothes for my sister in law to give to her friend.
I need to pull kid clothes to be given to people who need them in Mexico for our Nanny E.
I need to pull kid clothes to give to my friend T who is short on the size her son is in.
I need to make a list for the garage sale we are attending this week.
I need to clean my house.
I need to do laundry. BIG TIME
I need to wash sheets, vacuum, dust, shower, shave, read, workout........oh wait, I biked 4+ miles today.... at least I did something :)
I need to do all of these things but you know what, I'm perfectly happy to sit here, and look at

This is the face of my baby. Covered in yogurt, Sandwich yogurt to be exact. (I'll explain that one later)
Today, even though I'm currently lazy, I took my sons on a long bike ride, played in our yard with them, had lunch on our patio, read 7 or more books each with them, and more then all of this; laughed, kissed and cuddled them.
Today is one of the reasons I decided to stay home part time. The reason I don't have a larger home right now, or go to the salon every 6 weeks. yada yada
I'm not at ALL knocking those that can do these things. Great for you.... wish I could. But, for me, even with the lazy guilt, I had an incredible day with my boys.
A day to look up at Him and say thank you for them. To thank Him for their health, our health, and the lovely life He has given me.
I need more lazy days like these :)
*TTHHHWAAAPPP*! That's me giving you a Gibb's smack for feeling guilty. I officially free you of all guilt. LOOK at that FACE! That is the face of a boy who will cherish every single minute you spent with him.
It sounds to me like you have done everything important, just not everything on your list :)
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