De-Cluttering Challenge

Have you read my post a few days ago regarding the new blog I have found and also fell in love with?

No? Well, go check it out!

One of the reasons for my love?
Her De-cluttering Challenge. I decided to start myself and here's what happened........

Meet our pantry.... or rather, how it used to look.
Isn't it lovely? No? I don't think so either.
Did you happen to see the Lysol? In the pantry? Hmm...

I began to clean it up and noticed a few more things out of place.
Like a card for Jack from 3 Christmas' ago.

Or fake flowers purchased for our wedding 7 yrs ago......

How about a broken toothpick holder as a souvenir
from Joe on a business trip.
I also forgot to post a photo of the larger then a toddler,
State Farm map I found inside, as well.

OR, my almost favorite. Gravy in a jar that expired in 2000.
Yes, 10 yrs ago friends.
The proof is in the dust.

Bringing us to my actual favorite a piece of platter
that broke in 2004
coupled so nicely with a used band aid. EWWWWW!

Which brings me to the after shots.....
I'm humbly so proud of these.

No more Lysol.....
Buh-Bye Dust and nasties!
Hello Happiness!
I was so excited, and making such progress, thanks in part to a nice long nap from the kiddo's, that I moved onto not 1, not 2, but my 3 junk drawers. I forgot to take photo's of my little finds along the way, but I am pretty proud of them. I will post those this weekend.

All in all I removed 12 lbs of clutter from my life and it feels AMAZING! Thank you Molly!


MollyinMinn said...

I love this! You are so making me smile. Thank you. And, more importantly, kudos!

Chelsea said...

AMAZING! I am inspired... I have plenty of areas that need a good organizing! Feels good, huh?
Everything ok with the doc?

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

It's beautiful!

I think I might do that this weekend!

Dona said...

Nice work! I reorganized the linen closet in my bathroom last week and it felt so good. I secretly wanted to hang out in there and stare at how beautiful it looked. It's amazing how little things can make such a difference!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Word. I love de-cluttering like that. On Mondays, I find five things in my house to either donate, trash or reorganize. So for instance, if Kate has grown out of a pair of pants, they are either trashed, donated, or given to Ella for when she's big enough. It could be clothes, toys, household goods, whatever. It's good and makes me feel like I'm helping a tiny little bit. :)

You did such a good job on your pantry! Love the gravy. And it looks SO organized now. I should probably do that.