
I'm raw right now. This post was supposed to be about de-cluttering (and that will happen later)

I'm admittedly over reacting as well, so there you have it.

I got a letter in the mail from work with a denial to an appeal I made for an honest mistake regarding my vacation time. If they won't allow the appeal to go through, I will have 3 days left till NEXT January to have off/be sick.

Well, you work part time, you might be thinking.

That's right, but I'm also someone who does take a week off here or there and when you work on Sunday's, it's nice to have days like Fathers Day etc off.

Then you add in the typical bombs of, Laundry, dishes, kids not napping well, running too many errands because I think I'm superwoman, not sleeping great, multiple spills on the carpet..... the list goes on and on.

The bonus though, the one that really made me go off my rocker today, was the fact that I called the doctor to find out about the results of the ultrasound I just had. Remember my post about being almost out of the woods? Well I got the results back today and while that little issue has been resolved, there is another one on the horizon.

As I sit here, I wait for a call back from the doctor to explain more on this. I can share that the worst case scenario is along the lines of ovarian cancer (like my mom had) and the best case is a little blip on the radar of my life.

For now though, I sit. Raw with emotion and worry (because that's how I roll when I first get news like this) Give me an hour or two, hopefully with my questions answered, and I'll be better.

Until then though, can you please send a few prayers up for me? I appreciate the ones that have been sent up lately and I feel kinda like I have been so in need. I don't like to be the needy one. I like more to be needed. I am hoping for the best but running down the worst at this very moment and it's my way to put it all out here and vent.

Thanks for reading, all 3 of you :)


Chelsea said...

Sounds like you are having a really rough one right now - I'm so sorry. I will send up a prayer for yo, for sure.
I'll also be hovering over your blog, waiting to hear good news. There will be good news.
In the meantime, Starbucks is having a half-off sale on Frappaccinos every afternoon. I don't work for them. I just love them. You deserve one. Just sayin'.

Jenny said...

Boo employer! (I won't name names. Don't want to get you in trouble.)

I bet the doctor's phone call will be juuuuuust fine. But praying anyway.

Amy said...

Doc's phone call, was more re-assuring... *deep breath*

bitty said...

thinking and praying for you and your family, we are all here for you if you need to talk.


p.s. i love starbucks too!

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

What the heck? I work part time, too... and do you know what stinks? The boys know when I work. And that's when they get sick. They are super healthy on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday are their sick days. Ugh.

Do you need more M&M's???

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor girl!!! I'm glad the doctor's phone call was more reassuring. As for the vacation, well, I know that is a stinker.

I just got a semi-nasty gram from my boss asking why I'm never there anymore (I work at home, and go in once a week for the morning). And frankly, I am there every week, just like she asks. But she has been travelling so much that SHE is never there when I am, so she thinks I'm not there.

Hang in there. Sending prayers up for you!!!