If you could see my house now....

Dear Blog,


I'm in over my head here.

I decided enough was enough... I'm sick of not finding what I need, when I need it.

So, here it is. I went to Wally World, and the Container Store (which BTW was wonderful but pricey)

I also used some Tupperware stuffs of my own (old butter containers and such) and began to organize.

Began is where I have stayed dear blog.


Because I decided to do the whole upstairs all at the same time.....

Not a good idea you say?

You'd be right on that one.

Another lesson learned.

I better go now.

I'm pretty sure my kids and hubby are buried somewhere in the excess and clutter that is our life.

The good news is that I have you dear blog.

The better news is that once I'm done, our lives will be less cluttered and this Sassy Momma will be elated.

Till then... miss me..


Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

Hurry back!

Dod you find your camera yet?