No, Not the talk about that, eww.... get your mind out of the gutter.
The talk about sharing, or as the parent leader of Jack's ECFE class would say "Taking Turns"
In this little bloggity blog though, I'm talking about sharing in a different sense.
I'm contemplating sharing my blog.... with the world... (geez, I'm so dramatic)
Ok, not the world... just more people then the few close friends, some moms I admire, some bloggers I admire, and most importantly the man I admire, Joe.
I was accused of keeping my blog a secret the other day on Facebook. I can say that while I haven't necessarily done that, I have chosen to share it carefully with a few peeps that I like, admire, or trust to only have positive things to say or rather, if they plan to share their opinion, it will be in a respectful nature. (I know, I kinda repeated myself there)
The funny thing is, that upon asking my dear friend Candi what she thought about me sharing it with the rest of the people I know who aren't in the know, she stated that she worried that I would not be so gosh darn honest. Not be truly me, but be more, "sugar coated" She also (and I love her for this) said that she enjoyed my blog for what it was... the inner workings of me and it was "nice to have an insight into my head." (Thanks Candi)
How strange then that tonight, I shared my blog with Liz (who is also a mom blogger). Strange why, you ask? Strange because I have known Liz for about 6 weeks. Unless you count the amount of actual time we have spoken to one another (or rather I have talked and she has politely nodded along for my benefit..... yes.. I'm beyond chatty... but like you couldn't tell) then the total time I have "known" her is about 30 minutes.....
So, why did I share with Liz.? Well first off, I like her (Wendy too, tell you more about her later) I like Liz because the first time I saw her, her little boy was in a body type cast and she was SO patient with him. Just helping him around and being really easy going about the whole thing. I know I would have been a mess. She did it with complete grace. I admire that she's laid back. A bonus is that our sons are the same age, both love Lightning McQueen, and she makes me laugh. There is more, but the point is that I trusted her with my little snippet here and yet I fear the whole..."puttin it all out there" with some people that I have known for way longer.... (Sorry to give you the link to my blog tonight and then call you out Liz.... just sharing my mind as usual)
What do you think? Should I share... I know that Candi has a point and Joe agrees as well that if I decide to share it the I need to continue to bare it (my heart that is)
To share or not to.... not sure yet.
P.S. About Wendy.... Wendy is also in my class and like Liz, they both are just really smart, confident moms who I admire. Wendy has super cute style and I love her hair, (really short and kinda spiked) I don't know that I could ever wear mine like that but I look at her and live vicariously though hers. Plus... her son's name is Vincent... how cute is that!
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