Random thoughts

I'm in a little groove here blogging, so I'm going to share some random thoughts from the last several days.

Joe got me the coolest gift. I have mentioned it below. He said he worried that I wouldn't like it because I already have the blog online. I loved it. Made me cry. It's neat to have it in a hard copy form and be able to go back and read most of 2009 from a blog perspective.

We had a very full Christmas day plate. We thus (for maybe the second time ever in his life) had to wake up Jack to open presents. Here I would have thought there would have been screaming and loads of excitement along with statements that "he was on the nice list" Instead though, in such a perfect little sleepy voice I saw my son look at our tree and simply say "cool" Then upon opening his gifts he would say "it's just what I always wanted" even to the socks he needed from Mom and Dad.

I can tell you all with a little guilt in my heart that this was one of the best Christmas holidays we have had. We decided to do it our way. By that I mean that when we'd had enough of everything, we left instead of staying because we felt we needed to. We also skipped a trip north to see Joe's grandmother who is just shy of 94. It is normally an hour and 45 minute drive, but with the weather that had been happening, we figured it would be at least double that. We needed time at home. So we took it. In spades. I do feel bad. I know it meant a lot to his mom. I even tried to tell Joe we should go. Ultimately though, it was what we needed.

I warned you that this was going to be random....


Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

Good for you guys. I bet Joe's grandma has done that a few times - taken time for herself. And I bet she is happy that you guys did it.

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

I think sometimes we try so hard to please everyone else that we really don't enjoy the time we spend. I think you probably did just the right thing! Can you visit her another time?

We have a tradition here that we don't go ANYWHERE on Christmas. It's just us, here together. I think it annoys some of the family, but it makes my life easier. And I remember as a kid having to get up, get dressed and leave my new toys to go to our cousins every year. And I hated that. So I'm not going to make my kiddos do it (at least not every year). Maybe when they're older, I'd like to enjoy visiting with the family. This has become a post itself. Sorry!