This year for Christmas Joe and I decided not to exchange gifts. We got new pots and pans as well as a coffee maker. Then I got him t-shirts and undies from the kids and he got my blog printed and bound from the kids.
It was a nice holiday for us. There was the huge snow storm and lots of time just the 4 of us. I mentioned that our anniversary was coming up in Jan. and although we once again agreed not to give each other gifts this year, I said I wished I knew of something I could make him that would "touch his heart and make him cry" the way his gift, of my blog, printed and bound, did for me.
Little did I know that I would be able to do just that.
Joe is one of those hubby's who pays attention to most things pretty well. He's mindful of my moods and usually knows when aunt flo will visit before I do.
So, Jan 13th he was home writing reviews and I was due that very day. He asked had she arrived and I said no but was feeling like she would any moment.
I should back up here and say that we had been "playing with fire" for 5 months or so. We knew generally when I would ovulate and we would mostly avoid baking cookies" (fun term my circle of girlfriends and I created for that). We had a moment in Sept. where I was a few days late and got a taste of how we would feel if we were pregnant. That said, we had just discussed that we needed to be more careful and planned to wait year before trying for another baby.
Then the snow storm hit and Santa Claus arrived and all was bliss in our home. I didn't really think much of it. When Joe asked though, I began to feel like maybe I was pregnant and so I decided to tell him Aunt Flo arrived and take a test later that evening in the hopes of knowing before him and maybe surprising him with the news.
The next morning at 3 am I couldn't sleep so I got up and took a test. I took a photo of the results (not the one above) because I wasn't sure if I saw a line or not. Around 5 am, I got up for work and so did Luke. I woke Joe to tell him I needed to leave and that Luke needed a bottle. He came out and unlike most mornings where his eyes are barely open, his mood was good and he seemed well rested. This was 3 days before our anniversary.
I handed him the camera and told him I had forgotten to show him a photo. He looked at it and looked at me, Not comprehending. The reason for this is it looked a LOT like the test I had taken 2 yrs earlier with Luke. Then I stated that I had taken this test at 3 am today.
He smiled huge and began to cry. I cried as well and said, "I know, I'm scared and excited too." To which he responded, "I'm excited, not scared babe. We're having another baby. I know it wasn't in the plan and that we were gonna wait but remember the timing will never be perfect and we will never have all the money we'd like for this. But this, this is a gift and a blessing and I'm thrilled" (I don't know if that was all word for word but that's what he said.
I will be truthful and tell you that I had a hard time knowing. Please don't judge me because others have a hard time getting pregnant or because it's a gift from God. I know that. I am thrilled now. I just needed to wrap my head around having 3 kids under 3 for a little while and how we would manage in our home, sell our car if need be, arrange for daycare etc...
No matter what I NEVER regretted this baby. This little person was made in our love and I cannot imagine not having him or her in our lives. Joe has been husband of the year since finding out by the way. He's been doing double and triple time on keeping up with house work and keeping my emotional goofy-ness in check too. I have been sick since about 4.5 weeks and that is new for me. I hope to be surprised by the sex of the baby too.
This year for our 6th wedding anniversary, we were given the news that our family was expanding. I got my wish. To touch Joe's heart and make him cry. What I didn't plan on was giving myself the same thing. :)
Christmas Gift Guide 2024: Gifts for Readers
3 months ago
See what happens when I miss a few days of blog reading??!!!
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