Dear Luke,
I just have to tell you how much you make me laugh daily. From your cute little waddle as you become more steady when you walk, to the way you dance at the hint of any music around you. I love your lil' diaper butt and remember now, so vividly, why I wanted to "try" to have you when your big brother was this age. I adore the way you snuggle up to me and the way you love your Daddy. Your blue eyes are what gets me most. That, and your big belly laughs.

The newest thing you like to do is pretty funny as well. Anytime I take out the camera, you turn to me and say "cheese" with your tongue hanging out......

It ends up sounding like "sheeshh" But the face you make is the best part.
Before I met Joe I hadn't ever had the joy that is Monkey Bread.

This is how it starts out looking.

It tastes the best with these two handsome devils making it.

Moving the stool to keep helping.

His "jet-ski" had to help make the carmel that goes on top.
(yes, we told him it's a snowmobile)
Jack Jack,
I love (and sometimes loathe) the way you find one thing and focus on it so intently. I love your compassion with your little brother and your concern for others. I love the fact that there is never a dull moment it the car because we have great conversations. I most of all these things love when you first wake from a rest and are fresh faced and sleepy. You let me hold you and snuggle like you did when you were a babe. I adore you son.
***Sadly, I was too busy consuming the Monkey Bread to take the final pictures :)
Are you ready for this?
I have never had monkey bread. I have a feeling that if I tried it once, I would eat WAY too much of it. It's probably for the best.
And those are the cutest little boys ever!!!
Love the Ghostbusters shirt! (Where did you get it?)
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