A little sun goes a long way.

If you haven't read my last post, spare yourself the drama.

I had a melt down this afternoon and it was messy. I wrote it and then published it and within a minute, pulled it. (Or so I thought). I ended up re-posting it out there because if I don't have it there, it's not me. Even if the me in it is raw and sad and full of self pity.

That said, like the ad coming from the government and on some good advice from the ever sweet and supportive Ms. Becca, I got moving.

I took the boys to the park for 2 hours. We had a blast. They ran, I ran. They played and giggled, I laughed right along. I relished in the little things like Jack getting 2 girls that were about 9 to chase him round and round the playground. Or the way the wind caught Luke's hair.
We met Tiffany and Logan who had texted and said they'd be around. It was nice to see her and have a chat.

It was nice and fun and easy. Easier then I would have thought.

I'm feeling better already.