I am a child of divorced parents.
I'm not upset about this fact at all.
My parents were happy at times, but for the most part,
(in my humble opinion) they are better apart.
Joe's parents are the direct opposite.
They will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this year in about 1 week.
I cannot tell you how amazing I think that is.
(B & G, on their wedding day)
I had my doubts about marriage at one time in my life. I never saw my parents be affectionate more then a handful of times. They also fought often. I prefer not to say what the main cause of their split is, but lets leave it at the fact that the reason gave me pause in considering my own path involving marriage.
I had made up some rules in my head of what my marriage had better be, or what was the point. It was only a piece of paper right?
Wrong. Very, Very wrong.
I can tell you that Joe is the reason I changed my views.
He brings me a sense of calm and security that I have never felt with anyone else, ever.
He loves me for me. I once remarked at the stretch marks I was getting while pregnant with Jack and he lifted his sure and proudly said "look, now we match."
That's just Joe. He's sensitive, loving, committed to his family, and wonderful.
His parents are the same way. They grew up in a different time then we did, and their marriage is different then mine, but it's wonderful. They love each other and it shows. More then this, they love their family. It's their #1 priority, aside from their faith.
(B & G with our kids)
They have raised 4 college educated, lovely people. Their kids are all close in different ways and respectful of one another.
I really hope that our family will be the same.
I don't fault my parents for divorcing. They have shaped my life in so many positive ways and I cannot thank them enough. They taught me to hold out for someone like Joe. When it comes to Joe and my family, btw, they adore him. Any time we have a disagreement, they side with him. I'm always being told how lucky I am to have him.
Lucky indeed.
Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa V.
We love you both very much!
*sniff* brat. makin me all teary and whatnot.
Amazing and Inspirational! Beautiful post!
Hey Babe,
I am the lucky one. Don't forget that. You add passion and excitement to my life. We are only 36 years, and 8 months away from our 40th. Can't wait.
Love you, DH
Correction, 33 years and 8 months. Don't know where the 6 came from.
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