Lost and Found?

I'm a bit of a nut-job.

Yes, I just called myself a nut.

I tend to lose things, or maybe I should say, ever since I had kids, I tend to be more forgetful and lose things seemingly ALL the time.

Do you see this beautiful thing?
I know, it's mine, so I'm biased, but I love it!
(Joe has GREAT taste)

Last weekend, Joe took me to a Twins game in our new stadium and it was like 80% humidity outside and 90 degree temps. (or it felt that way)Well, that lil beauty above was feeling tight and I was playing with it, which I shouldn't have been. I remember taking it off to put in my purse and thinking "it's too loose in there maybe Joe's shorts pocket? Nope, too loose in there, maybe back in the purse"

That, my friends, is the last thing I remember about seeing it.

That was almost a week ago.

Due to life stuff going on, I neglected to remember that I hadn't seen it till yesterday. When I realized this fact, I went looking for it in all the usual places. Even calling Joe, who wasn't really worried, (because it's happened before with a kinds of items.. ahem.)

We both looked last night and this morning I was in a state of panic. I called the Twins lost and found, I called security at work to see if I had left it there. I called everyone.

In the mean time I came home to find Mr. Jack doing my most FAVORITE thing!

Can you guess?


After the nanny left, I thought, maybe I should call her back and ask if she'd seen my ring. Usually she puts stuff she finds, when she cleans (cause she likes to stay busy) but I looked there and saw nothing.

She happened to call just then to ask about what the plan was for next week with the kids and I asked her if in fact, she's seen my ring.

She said yes.......

She said it was right here
Hiding in plain sight behind my soap. It had fallen off the ledge on the back of the bathroom counter, and hid there all this time.

Well, I put it back here.
(man, my fingers are wrinkly)

Where it should always be.

Off to look for something else that this nut-job has supposedly lost.


Chelsea said...

That is a BEAUTY - glad you found it!

LutherLiz said...

It is beautiful. I would have been freaking out!

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

Oh no! That's the worst feeling... not that I've had it before. but I'm just thinking that it must be the worst feeling.


Anti-Supermom said...

I would have been dying. That ring literally rocks, my husband would have been freaking out too though :)