1. Another wonderfully warm day in MN. By warm I mean about 60 beautiful degrees. Bare with us AZ folks! This is heaven for MN in March. We will be park bound again today until Daddy gets home. Then off to see Baby Molly and bring her little family some yummy foods (which I need to finish making).
2. We met up with Jenny today and her adorable kiddos, W and L. Who BTW are getting so big and seriously cute. I told Jack earlier in the week that we would be seeing them. I have now learned that it's not so smart to tell him to far in advance. Once he's told he will talk about it and ask over and over if it's time to go see them yet. Upon getting out of the car when we arrived, Jack bear hugged W and they both fell over. They then skipped hand in hand to McDon's and it was wonderful. Luker was flirting with Miss L and when I held her, she was snuggling me too. Not only was it amazing to have great conversation and vent a little about all that is going on in my world, but Jenny made us this delicious looking dish below for dinner. Doesn't it look wonderful?! I can't wait to heat it up. Thank you Jenny!

3. I found out Tuesday that I there is a good (85%) chance they might be outsourcing my job. That was interesting. It's been one of those months that I just wish I could pretend hadn't happened. I mean there has been some good points, but for us, it's just been really a lot of bad news.
4. Grandma stopped over and gave us some gardening tips as well as some yard pruning tips because I'm copying Jenny and starting a garden in the house to be later put in the ground. I'm more of a fruit person myself, but I'm hoping to maybe get some melons going as well as some other veggies and herbs. I think Jack will love it.
5. Luke has discovered the art of taking something he's not supposed to, or touching stuff he shouldn't and when caught, running gleefully the opposite direction. He loves everything from the toilet to our blackberry phones. He also loves sucking on the charger cord for the phones which is awesome. I caught him going for the remote today. It's hard to have a firm NO, when you see that little face and hear that giggle. He's just a sweet natured kid, yet he's into everything. Here's one time I caught him heading for a remote........

6. The boys nanny E, has a large fear of bugs which has translated (in some cases) to him being a little afraid as well. Not that I blame her. That's one bonus of living in MN, they all die come winter time. I have caught myself letting a little scream escape when a centipede is scurrying across my floors. So, maybe he got it from me. That said, he found a spider about the size of my big toe in the bathroom this week and I mustered all the bravery I had to go over and kill that sucker. I was proud because all I wanted to do was run far far away. Here's Jack after playing with W and getting ready to rest. His shirt says "Conserve Water, Stay Dirty."

7. I have found that over the last few weeks of sadness and stress, I find myself going back to my ipod. I tend to choose the same artist and play 3 of his songs over and over as well as a small compilation of inspirational Christian songs. I mention this only as a recommendation for anyone with small kids or someone who likes a song that has wording that might relate to your life.
The artist is Darius Rucker (or Hootie from the band Hootie and the Blowfish). The album is ironically named "Learn to Live." My favorite songs as of now are "It won't be like this for long", "Alright", and "History in the Making." *** If you click on them, it's the youtube video.
I LOVE them. ***No I wasn't paid for this, I just really feel like their words/message touch my heart and make sense in my life.
8. Last but not least, I want to throw out some apologies to my friends and family. I have been pretty down in the dumps and self obsessed lately and I'm sorry for not being more open to what is going on with all of you. The pity party needs to end. If I lose my job, we will figure it out. We hope to have more kids and "This too shall pass." Thank you for taking my tearful phone calls and listening over and over to my heart. I'm very blessed to have all of you. I love you.
Joe, I know I have been all over the place emotionally and that you are worried about me, but I'm seeing the light again and I'm trying to turn it around. I promise you that I will work harder to share my heart and not dwell on what we cannot change. I'm hopeful and excited to just keep moving forward with you.
Thanks also Joe for the dance in the kitchen this morning...... I needed it and it made my whole day. I love you.
We need to get together so we can both vent!!!! lol call/text me.
Anytime Amy. That is what we are here for :) I love those songs too! And hey, if they do out source your job, maybe you will do something you really enjoy! When one door shuts another tends to open. Like you would say to me, it all works out in the end. Very good blog today.
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