There's a song that I love.
In fact, there are many.
I love music.
Anyway.... right now my i-tunes is on and even though I just blogged, I have some time and this song really makes me think.
Here are some of the lyrics:
If I wrote a note to God
I would speak what's in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away
For Love to Overflow.
If I wrote a note to God,
I'd pour my heart out on each page
I'd say......I'd Say
Give us, the strength to make it thorough
Help us find love, cause love is overdue.
This song always gets me thinking....
What do you ask God for?
Is it the same thing regularly?
You don't have to tell me. I know it's personal and that it's one of those things that's not always
best to discuss.
I, however, have some pretty regular prayers for God.
I'll share some of them with all of you.
I ALWAYS, ask God first for health. Health for us, health for our families and friends. I second thank God. For all he's given us. Third I ask for Him to protect ALL of the children of the world. Protect them from hunger, abuse and let them know His love.
Then, I pray for all of the following people.... for different reasons. Some just fall under the health and well being prayer.... and some a specialized...
(These are in random order)

For Molly,
I ask that she's healthy and am thankful that I am her Godmother. It's a huge honor.
I also pray for her brothers and parents... because Joe and I know all too well what life is like with young kiddos.

For AM,
I ask for her happiness, for her health, her fathers health and the rest is between Him and I

For Tiff,
I ask for health for her and her family.
I also ask God for them to be blessed with another child.
They have wanted this for a long time.

For T, Cj & Andrea I ask for health and happiness.
They have kids and busy lives, so I keep it pretty simple for them.

For My Mom,
I ask for her health to remain good, for her to quit smoking, and for less stress in her life.

For my Dad & Nana G.,
I ask for health and for his hips to get better.
Also, for him to live a long life. Men die earlier then women I am told.

For Jen, Kristina & Dona,
I ask the same as my other friends. For health and happiness :)

For my sister and Tyler, (her fiance')
I ask for health and happiness too.
I also ask for guidance and for her,
I ask special prayers that will remain between him and I.

For Joe's family, I ask for health and happiness and
that his parents also live long and healthy lives.
I just realized that I forgot to add us into the blog.
I cannot figure out how to add our picture now, so I will just tell you my prayers for us.
For Joe, health, happiness and to also quit smoking.
For Jack, health, happiness and to know God's love.
For Luke, the exact same.
For myself, health, happiness and to be the best I can be for Him, everyday.
Now that I've shared my prayers with you, what are yours? If you won't share yours, will you pray for one of the above mentioned. No-one can ever have enough prayers. :)
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