Do you ever get the urge to do something? Anything?
I do.
Quite often I do.
Usually it's eat something naughty, like M&M's or homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Sometimes it's crazy random, like buying a lab puppy (or dog) and bringing it home.
(never usually act on those ones.... wish I could say the same for the one above it)
Right now I have the urge to clean, and I mean CLEAN.
However, I'm fighting it. The kids are sleeping and I need down time more then I need to clean.
Now, I'm sadly going to admit that I'm a person that never really bothers with attachments to the vacuum. I just push it. I sweep sometimes before I do and then I just expect it to get everything.
The last few months (since our Nanny is no longer watching the kids here and subsequently cleaning our home in the process) I have noticed a TON of dust in my home.
I went downstairs and grabbed the attachment (purely, and embarrassingly because, I knew it would "reach" the dust) not because I thought it was right for the dust. To my very delight, I was enthralled and as Jenny would put it... "once you get started, it's hard to stop."
My clean attitude before was, why vacuum when 5 min later they were tracking in more sand, leaves, etc... I am changin' my ways though.
The hardest part now, for me, seems to be finding the time to get all the areas done that I want to. I'd rather be watching (and capturing) these moments....

so, I might have to live with dirty floors for a while.
**Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I am rather impressed that I actually got these shots with my tiny little "point & shoot" camera. I'd love a DSLR but that's low on the list of wishes for now.
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