Winds of Change

Lately, I feel like change is on the horizon for us.

I've changed my diet, well somewhat.

We've changed the foods we are bringing into our home. Slowly we are adding in organic foods as well as non-processed foods.

I've heard from my current job that they may be outsourcing.

My other job has offered me a large and all weekend, every weekend in the summer opportunity that is wonderful. Other then the all weekend, every weekend part. But, call me crazy, I'm excited about it.

The kids and Joe are changing as well.

There is more energy in the house. I am guessing it has to do with all the good weather, but then again, maybe there are clouds with silver lining in our future.

****I wrote this a few days ago and meant to add photo's... then went back to re-read when I decided that I didn't have any to post and laughed out loud at how I was dreaming of "winds of change", and then we have the weekend be the way it was. NICE.


Chelsea said...

Might be leaving this comment twice, but I think I messed up the first one!
The part about "winds of change" and then having *this* weekend cracked me up! love it!
I also love the positivity in this post :)