That would be the best word for today. BLEEP.

Today has kinda been one of those days when I wish we could just have a big ol' do over.

Don't get me wrong.

There were moments of sunshine in this crazy set of days, but most of it was kinda of the pits.

It started last night. Joe told me he was in a funk and just not feeling good(in a "guy emotional" sorta way). Luke and Jack were both in sassy moods and being rather irritating (I'm horrible for saying so, but I'm being honest.)

We all went to bed at 8:15 and by that point, Joe and I were a little irritated with one another as well. That mood seemed to carry into the morning and by the time we had gotten over it and moved along, it was time for Jack's Saturday soccer class. We went, chatted up friends, and had a nice time watching. We then proceeded to the grocery store because we are seemingly out of everything but the kitchen sink.

We pulled in the lot and got out of the car, when all of a sudden Joe's holding Luke and screaming at me to "unlock the door, unlock the door!!!" Jack had gotten his fingers squished in the door and was very upset.

We soothed him as best we could and after he said he wanted to stay at the store, we tried to shop. Bad Idea #1. Jack cried the entire time and by the time our cart was fairly loaded, Luke decided to join in the chorus.

Then we checked out and ran to get gas, as our tank was on empty. More irritation between the 2 of us as we are trying to navigate the kids, the screaming, the gas, and the groceries. This leads then to both of my kids passing out in the car, only to sleep for 20 min and upon transfer into the house, both be WIDE awake. Lovely.

At this point we thought about just surrendering to the day and making it a watch tv all day, not give a darn day but we kept our chins up.

We cut the grass and ate some lunch, and things seemed better. Then we got this brilliant idea to move Luke's crib into Jack's room(Bad Idea #2...maybe) because the plan had always been for them to share. (no I'm not announcing anything...Aunt Flo is here too, which makes me oh so wonderful. ahem) We move the crib and it's now been 2.5 hrs since they last "napped" so we attempt to put them down again.

Luke never really goes down. Jack does, but this makes for Luke to be Awesome to deal with later in the evening. (can you read the sarcasm there?)

Move forward to now. Luke is down (in Jack's room) Jack is getting ready, and I am making myself a cocktail (that I pray doesn't make my tummy/pancreas hurt).

I'm praying that the cocktail will make me sleepy and the man will get up with the kids or, even better, the kids won't get up.

We'll see :)