Watching them grow....

Today we went to the park, like we do most days. The same park we usually go to.

This park.
Normally that park isn't real crowded. Today, however, was different. There were TONS of kids. Kids playing ball. Older kids, younger kids. Sadly, there were also Foul Mouthed Kids.

They couldn't have been more then 8 or 9 yrs old and could talk like sailors. (Wow did I just sound like my mother). I must have heard the F-word at least 3 times before my dear friend Tiff told them to watch their mouths because there were little kids around. (She beat me to the punch... I was getting pretty irritated)

To my surprise and delight, they calmly said "Sorry Mam" and walked away. I was floored. I know that kids will be kids and more then that, I know how seriously fast they grow up. I cannot believe that 9 yr olds are using that kind of language. I'm not ready for my boys to be grown up. I may never be. I watched (and cried) at the sight of Jack giving Luke a kiss, "just because he's sad Mamma."
I know all too well that a point will come, probably sooner then later, where they won't want to kiss each others boo boo's. Or where they won't be so very content to be pushed around next to each other.
But, I also was lucky enough to witness Luke reach out for Jack's hand the other day, and Jack respond to take it as if they had been holding hands their whole lives. Jack watches over Luke. He protects his little brother. (most of the time) Without knowing he made his Mommy cry tears of joy at what an amazing big brother he's become.
The sibling dynamic is something I struggled with. My sister & brothers and I aren't nearly as close as I would have liked to be. There is a level of respect that, to be blunt, is lacking in many ways.

I'm so thankful that my boys are close right now. I hope to only foster this bond, cherish it, nurture it, and let it grow. They, like their father, are the loves of my life. I'm so blessed to call them mine.


Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

Are you kidding me? 9 year olds? I would have pulled them home by their ear and told their mother!!

OOohhh... that made me mad. Michael said "that sucks" the other day and I almost washed his mouth out.

Anyway... sorry :)

My brother and I aren't close, either, so I always push the boys to be extra nice to each other and understand that they are all each other has.

Chelsea said...

I agree with Becca... 9 year olds using that kind of language is NOT ok and I don't think it's the norm. Is it sad that my mind immediately goes to the parents? Where they there? Crazy!

What is the age difference between your boys? I absolutely LOVE watching siblings interact. My sis and I are very close, and so that bond is so meaningful to me. Your oldest seems super sweet and the younger one is so lucky to be learning from him :)

Amy said...

The boys are 25 months apart. They are really close. I hope they remain that way forever.